11 Must-Try Restaurants in Manteo, North Carolina.13 Must-Try Restaurants in Mooresville, NC.Visiting other destinations in North Carolina? Check out our other delicious guides: This is in no way a complete list of all the amazing Blowing Rock restaurants, but just a few of our favorites so far. I love discovering unique eateries that showcase the area’s history, culture, and agriculture – places that the locals favor.īlowing Rock does not disappoint. One of my favorite activities when traveling is to eat and drink. It offers the best of small-town living for residents and visitors alike – a cool climate, magnificent mountain views, year-round outdoor activities, and the finest accommodations with superb restaurants and shopping. Today, Blowing Rock sits just off the Blue Ridge Parkway at the junction of US Hwys 321 and 221. The Blowing Rock, is North Carolina’s first real “tourist attraction,” bringing visitors to the Blue Ridge Parkway since 1933. Many opulent private estates opened their doors to welcome visitors, eventually turning into grand hotels.īlowing Rock’s economy soon centered on the many tourists flocking to the high country and providing amenities to keep them there – and to keep them coming back. First camping, then boarding houses, then major hotels sprang up.

As word of Blowing Rock’s health benefits began to spread, the number of visitors began to grow. Many families began to build summer homes in and around Blowing Rock to escape the heat of the low lands below. It wasn’t long after when some truly amazing Blowing Rock restaurants began to spring up. The village of Blowing Rock, in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, was established in the mid-1800s by Scotch-Irish colonists, hunters, and trappers as a stop on the mountain pass from Virginia to Kentucky.