The only real association between the current Zeus and the mythological Zeus is the lightning based weapon.

Contents 1 Videos 2 Units 2.1 Walkers 2. It was created and added by the community expansion, Planetary Annihilation TITANS: Legion Expansion. The Zeus, if you are for some reason not familiar, is the leader of Greek gods with his infinite swag/power. They do not focus on early raiding or rapid expansion, rather they prepare themselves to strike a single mighty blow that both begins and ends the battle. if you had to choose between the current Atlas and the current Zeus to make a map, you'd chose the current Zeus. To reiterate, Atlas, means world- and is commonly associated with maps. Does it bother anyone else that the atlas is the land unit and the Zeus is the sky unit? You should call the sky unit the atlas because it flies and covers the map, and you should call the ground unit the Zeus because its like a mighty god that will 1v1 u and kick ur *** irl lel. Titan Built By T2 Advanced Fabrication Vehicle 8:20 T1 Orbital Fabrication Bot 11:06 Weapon 1 Blueprint Range: 400 Projectiles per fire: 4 Firing standard deviation: 0.25 Damage: 960.0 DPS: 4x800 damage every 3.33 seconds (0.